How to leverage DigitrendZ® for Precision Targeting?

The case study is about targeting Teens (13-19) with a fictitious ice-cream brand “Scoop” and showcasing the steps followed until the development of sample communications. The whole process uses DigitrendZ® data except the advertising which has been briefed to an agency based on the insights garnered.



We first take a look at what population we have in the Teens group from the HCP census extrapolated to 2022. The Teen population in Morocco amounts to 4.2 million individuals with an almost even split between Males and Females (2.2 vs 2.1 MM).

It is premature to state that we’re set and that we can start marketing to this group. The fact is, at this stage, we know almost nothing about our Teens …

Let’s explore with DigitrendZ® data set!



They are all equipped with a smartphone (96%) and use 3G/4G for connecting (28%) or they share connections (25%). Obvious to say, reaching Teens would be through Mobiles.

We also learn that slightly more than half the Teens are into Sports (50.3%) and interestingly even more are hooked to Gaming (58.2%). Only 1 in 10 Teens have a Bank Account (11.7%), within that majority have a card that allows on-line payment. With DigitrendZ® we can get some interesting statistics like the fact that there are 825K Teens that are shopping on-line with a projected value of 750 million MAD which rounds to an average of 909 MAD per year per Teen.

The top categories shopped are shown below:

PSYCHOGRAPHICS: Getting under the skin of Teens

Getting to understand Teens Personalities and Values is very valuable, not only for segmentation purposes, but also for crafting the type of content that will best resonate with them and impart the intended action.

Our study reveals that Teens segment in different value and personality sub-groups:

They tend to have a high concentration of Assertive Hedonists, which says a lot about the orientations we would give while thinking of messaging. But the personality style is a bit subdued as we find some timidity within a large set of the Teens population.

These psychographic insights paint a new picture of the initial demographic groups and add texture in our understanding of this target.

But where are Teens found when it comes to Themes of interest in Digital?



Using the 42 themes that we have in DigitrendZ®, we have segmented them in 6 exclusive groups as shown below.

But where are Teens to be found?

With DigitrendZ®, this question is easy to answer: Teens are found in high numbers in the “Geek” segment with 1.0 million individuals with a Male bias, and in “The Ever-Young” segment with 0.8 million people, skewing towards Females.

We could argue that we’re not reaching the total population of Teens focusing on these two segments only, but that’s actually the objective of segmentation and precision targeting. The era of “spray and pray” of Traditional Marketing is over. Digital Marketing has precision Targeting at its core.

Below, we are showing description of these two Teen-heavy segments:

The next step is to figure out which Social Media Platforms these two segments use when it comes to Teens. With DigitrendZ®, that is within a click of a mouse.




The below table informs on the penetration or incidence of SMPs used but also reflects on the Teens population using each platform:

One can appreciate the precision and detail this table is giving. For Marketers and Media Planners, this works as a compass for SMP deployment for a given campaign. Mind you that we need to understand what each platform’s ethos is and the type of content that is better suited for each.

Below are some activation ideas that are in-line with each platform’s DNA:

Armed with these insights, we are able to develop a customer persona that brings to life each of these two Teen segments and also brief a communication agency to develop content accordingly.

Below we are showing and commenting on two executions targeting the two identified segments:


This target is after stimulation in life, challenges and showing how successful and competent she is in the eyes of her peers. Messaging styles turn around “Feeling” (providing positive emotions) and “Intuition” (focusing on possibilities and innovation).

What does not strike a chord with her is showing off pleasure and enjoyment of life. That’s definitely not her thing.

Hence, the body copy should highlight life excitement, new possibilities and shining in the eyes of the world.

The Scoop moment is a time to refresh the mind. Note that we’re not talking about sensorial here, rather a subjective end-benefit.

The tagline reinforces the link to the values and information processing styles: Life is your playground!


This target is an Assertive Hedonist. He likes to indulge in life’s pleasures. Gaming is one of them, as it brings him intense sensations and satisfaction. Information processing style revolves around “Feeling”, providing human connection and “Intuition”, presenting the Big Picture.

The Geek world is full of tech and seeing the future with a big “F”.

However, this highly engaged audience is very difficult to distract when gaming is in full swing. The G2G (Got To Go) decision needs bravery and sometimes going against the odds. This moment is precious, the Geek is back in real life, an “augmented reality” where Scoop offers to refresh his “real” world so that he can carry on back again.

Scooping it up becomes an act of bravery!

Through this case study we have shown how we can start with a broad target, deepen the understanding with DigitrendZ® and develop resonating content based on behavioral, psychographics and advanced segmentations to optimize platform deployment and customize the content and messaging for a better bang for the Digital Dollars.

It’s up to you now!!


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